The Rainbow District School Board is committed to improving academic excellence by encouraging homework completion.
There are many reasons for homework including:
- building effective study habits
- establishing routines
- developing personal responsibility
- supporting the development of academic skills
- reinforcing student learning
- creating partnerships between schools and home (eg., opportunity for parents to read with their children)
What to Expect for Homework
- Completion of unfinished work
- Project work
- Additional practice of skills taught
- Studying and test preparation
- Practical application of a skill
Homework Responsibilities
Student, teachers and parents / guardians all have key roles to play regarding homework completion.
Students are expected to:
- Take home necessary materials
- Record homework assignments in agenda
- Share agenda with parents
- Set aside time and complete homework in a suitable location
- Ask for clarification of homework assignment
- Return materials to school the following school day
- Obtain parental signature when required
Teachers are expected to:
- Assign purposeful homework
- Ensure homework completion
- Review key concepts from the homework assigned
- Ensure that homework assignments are recorded in student agenda
- Provide students with adequate time at the end of the day to gather required materials
- Review the nature of the assigned homework
- Communicate frequently with parents regarding the student’s homework completion
Parents/Guardians are expected to:
- Provide a quiet place for their child to complete the assigned homework
- Read and initial agendas daily
- Provide encouragement to their child
- Assist their child with prioritizing homework in relation to their other activities
- Monitor that the allocated time is being spent productively
- Communicate with the teacher if their child is spending too much time or too little time on homework completion
- Monitor the use of their child’s agenda or homework book
Please check the Rainbow District School Board website for homework program information for students and parents/guardians.